【时 效 性】 | 有效 | 【颁布日期】 | 1994-06-24 |
【颁布单位】 | 国务院办公厅 | 【实施日期】 | 1994-07-01 |
【法规层次】 | 国务院办公厅文件 | 【文 号】 | 国务院令〔1994〕156号 |
【首选类别】 | 国家基本法规 | 【次选类别】 | |
【其它类别】 | 【其它类别】 | ||
【关 键 字】 | 中华人民共和国公司法 |
第八章 登记程序 |
第十章 证照和档案管理 |
(Promulgated on June 24, 1994)
Regulations of the People'sRepublic of China on Administration of
(Promulgated on June 24, 1994)
the People's Republic of China(hereinafter referred to as the Company
companies and standardize theregistration activities of companies.
companies and all companieslimited by shares (
the company
person after having beenapproved to register by the company registration
authority as provided by law andhaving got a Business License of
effect of these Regulations,shall not engage in business activities in
the name of a company withoutbeing approved to register by the company
company registration under theleadership of the company registration
and does not accept any illegalintervention.
responsible for companyregistration of the whole country.
responsible for registrations ofthe following companies:
authorized department of theState Council;
(s)or department (
Administration Bureau forIndustry and Commerce in accordance with the
provisions of law or of theState Council.
province, autonomous region ormunicipality directly under the Central
Government are responsible forthe registration of the following companies
in areas under their respectivejurisdiction:
people's governments ofprovinces, autonomous regions or municipalities
directly under the CentralGovernment;
of provinces, autonomous regionsor municipalities directly under the
(s)or department (
are the joint capitalcontributors;
(s)or department (
autonomous region ormunicipality directly under the Central Government is
the sole investor or are thejoint investors; and
Administration Bureau forIndustry and Commerce.
municipality or a county isresponsible for registration of the companies
in the area under its respectivejurisdiction other than those listed in
Article 6 and Article 7 of theseRegulations, and the concrete
jurisdiction of registrationshall be provided by the administration for
industry and commerce at thelevel of a province,
a municipality directly underthe Central Government.
representative, registeredcapital,
term of operation,
company or of promoters of acompany limited by shares.
law and administrativeregulations. In case of unconformity, the company
registration authority shallrefuse to register.
of the State. A company can onlyhave one name. The company's name which
has been approved to register bythe company registration authority is
body is located. A company canonly have one domicile which has been
registered by the companyregistration authority. The company's domicile
should be within thejurisdiction area of the company registration
the registered capital of acompany should be expressed in Renminbi (RMB).
and approval in accordance withlaw or administrative regulations or there
are items in the company'sbusiness scope that must be submitted for
examination and approval inaccordance with law or administrative
regulations, pre-approval of thecompany's name should be conducted before
submission for examination andapproval, and the examination and approval
shall be submitted for in thename which has been approved by the company
shall be applied for with thecompany registration authority by the
representative appointed by allthe shareholders or by the agent entrusted
jointly by all the shareholders.In establishing a company limited by
shares, the name pre-approvalshall be applied for with the company
registration authority by therepresentative appointed by all the
promoters or by the agententrusted jointly by all the promoters.
of the limited liability companyor by all the promoters of the company
the promoters or identitycertificates of natural persons; and
or refusal within 10 days fromthe date of receipt of the documents listed
in the above section. Where thecompany registration authority decides to
months. In the period ofretention, the company's name as pre-approved
shall not be used in businessactivities, nor shall it be assigned.
establishment should be appliedfor with the company registration
authority by the representativeappointed by all the shareholders or by
the agent entrusted jointly byall the shareholders. In establishing a
wholly state-owned company, theregistration of establishment should be
applied for by thestate-authorized investment institution or the
state-authorized department.Where the establishment of a limited
liability company must besubmitted for examination and approval in
accordance with any law oradministrative regulations, the registration of
establishment should be appliedfor within 90 days from the date of
approval. Where the registrationof establishment is applied for beyond
the time limit, the applicantshould require the examination and approval
authority to confirm the effectof the original approval documents, or
submit for a separateapproval.
documents should be submitted tothe company registration authority:
chairman of the board ofdirectors of the company;
authorized investmentverification authority;
identity certificates of naturalpersons;
directors, supervisors andmanagers, and the certificates relating to
their appointments, elections orengagements;
company's legalrepresentative;
establishment of a limitedliability company be subject to examination and
approval, the approval documentsconcerned shall also be submitted.
shall, within 30 days of theconclusion of the founding meeting, apply to
the company registrationauthority for registration of establishment.
documents should be submitted tothe company registration authority:
chairman of the board ofdirectors of the company;
State Council or the people'sgovernment of a province, autonomous region
or municipality directly underthe Central Government; For a company
limited by shares which isestablished by the offer method; the approval
documents issued by thesecurities administration authorities of the State
Council shall also besubmitted;
preparations for establishmentof the company;
investment verificationauthority;
identity certificates of naturalpersons;
directors, supervisors andmanagers, and the certificates relating to
their appointments, elections orengagements;
company's legalrepresentative;
registration that should besubmitted for examination and approval in
accordance with any law oradministrative regulations, examination and
approval should be obtained fromthe relevant state departments before
applying for registration, andthe approval documents should be submitted
to the company registrationauthority.
which is contrary to any law oradministrative regulations, the company
registration authority has thepower to require the company to make
prove that the company has theright to use its domicile.
approved and a Business Licenseof Enterprise Legal Person has been issued
by the company registrationauthority. Upon receipt of the Business
License of Enterprise LegalPerson issued by the company registration
authority, the company canengrave seals, open an account with a bank and
apply for registration of payingtaxes.
registration of modificationswith the original company registration
shall not presumptuously changeany of the registered items.
following documents to thecompany registration authority:
company's articles ofassociation, the amended articles of association or
the amendment of the articles ofassociation shall be submitted.
change within 30 days from thedate of making the resolution or decision
registration of change before itmoves to the new domicile and submit the
certificate of using the newdomicile.
company registration authority,the company shall apply for registration
of change with the companyregistration authority in the place to which
the company will move before itmoves to the new domicile. If the company
registration authority in theplace to which the company will move accepts
the application, the originalcompany registration authority shall
transfer the companyregistration files to the company registration
authority in the place to whichthe company will move.
registration of change within 30days from the date of making the
resolution or decision ofmodification.
investment verificationcertificate issued by a legally authorized
investment verificationauthority.
registration of change within 30days from the date of paying in full
share funds. A company limitedby shares which increases its registered
capital shall submit theapproval documents from the state-authorized
department or the people'sgovernment of a province, an autonomous region
or a municipality directly underthe Central Government; and if the
company increases its registeredcapital by the offer method, the approval
documents from the securitiesadministration authorities of the State
Council shall also besubmitted.
registration of change within 90days from the date of making the
resolution or decision ofreducing its registered capital, and shall
submit the relevant certificatesof the company's public notices of
reducing registered capitalcarried in a newspaper at least three times
and the company's illustrationof paying debt or of debt assurance.
registration of change within 30days from the date of making the
resolution or decision ofchange; Where the change of the business scope
relates to the items which mustbe submitted for examination and approval
in accordance with law oradministrative regulations, the registration of
change shall be applied forwithin 30 days from the date of approval from
establishment requirements ofthe company form of the company to which the
company intends to change, applyfor registration of change with the
company registration authorityin the fixed time limit and submit the
apply for registration of changewithin 30 days from the date of change,
and should submit the legalperson qualification certificates of the new
shareholders or the identitycertificates of natural persons.
company limited by shareschanges its name or title, the registration of
change shall be applied forwithin 30 days from the change of name or
relate to the registered items,the company shall submit its amended
articles of association or itsamendment of articles of association to the
original company registrationauthority for record.
company, the company shallsubmit for record to the original company
items change, shall apply forregistration of alternation; A company which
is dissolute due to a merger ordivision shall apply for cancellation of
registration; A new companywhich is established due to a merger or
division shall apply forregistration of establishment.
within 90 days from the date ofmaking the resolution or decision of
merger or division, and shouldsubmit the merger agreement and resolution
or decision of merger ofdivision, the certificates of the company's
public notices of the merger ordivision carried in a newspaper at least
three times and the illustrationof paying debt or of debt assurance.
Where a company limited byshares is merged or divided, the approval
documents from the state-authorized department or from the people's
government of a province, anautonomous region or a municipality directly
under the Central Governmentshould also be submitted.
the Business License ofEnterprise legal person, the company registration
authority shall issue a newbusiness license.
within 30 days from the date ofcompleting the liquidation of a company,
apply for canceling thecompany's registration with the original company
association, the term ofoperation of the company expires or one of the
other events which are groundsfor dissolution occurs;
person in charge of thecompany's liquidation group;
decision made by the company inaccordance with the Company Law or
documents of ordering to closedown issued by an administrative organ;
registration by the companyregistration authority.
which is set up by a company inanother domicile. No branch of a company
has the status of an enterpriselegal person.
the company registrationauthority at the level of municipality or county
where the branch is located; Ifthe branch is approved to register, a
Business License will beissued.
business premises, person incharge and business scope.
date of making thedecision,
registration authority; Wherethe establishment of a branch must be
submitted to the relevantdepartment for examination and approval as
provided by law oradministrative regulations, the registration shall,
within 30 days from the date ofapproval,
company registrationauthority:
signed by the company's legalrepresentative;
Business License of EnterpriseLegal Person sealed with the seal of the
company registration authorityof the company;
alternation shall be applied forwith the company registration authority.
registration of change signed bythe company's legal representative shall
be submitted. Where the name ofa branch changes due to the change of the
name of the company, a duplicateof the company's Business License of
Enterprise Legal Person shall besubmitted. Where the changed business
scope relates to the items thatmust be submitted for examination and
approval as provided by law oradministrative regulations, the approval
documents from the relevantdepartment shall be submitted. Where a branch
changes its location of businesspremises, a certificate of use of the new
business premises shall besubmitted.
approves the registration ofchange.
shall, within 30 days from thedate of making the decision of withdrawal,
be applied for with the companyregistration authority of the branch. In
applying for cancellation ofregistration,
cancellation of registrationsigned by the company's legal representative
and the branch's BusinessLicense shall be submitted. After having
approved the cancellation ofregistration, the company registration
authority shall withdraw thebranch's Business License.
Regulations, the companyregistration authority will issue to the
applicant a Notification ofAcceptance of Company Registration.
of issuing the Notification ofAcceptance of Company Registration, make a
decision of approval or refusalto register.
shall, within 15 days from thedate of approval to register, notify the
applicant and issue, change orwithdraw the Business License of Enterprise
Legal Person or the BusinessLicense.
shall, within 15 days from thedate of making the decision, notify the
applicant and issue aNotification of Refusal of Company Registration.
it shall pay registration fee tothe company registration authority in
accordance with the relevantprovisions.
establishment registration shallbe paid at one thousandth of the
registered capital; Where theregistered capital exceeds RMB ten million,
the fee for the exceeded partshall be paid at point five thousandth of
it; Where the registered capitalexceeds RMB one hundred million, the fee
for the exceeded part does notneed to be paid.
registered items that have beenapproved to register on the company
register for the public to lookup or duplicate. In looking up or
duplicating the company'sregistered items, the fee of looking up or of
duplicating shall be paidaccording to the relevant provisions.
approval of registration of itsestablishment, alternation or
cancellation, issue anannouncement of registration of establishment,
alternation or cancellation, andshall, within 30 days from the date of
issuing the announcement, submitthe announcement as issued to the company
registration authority forrecord. The content of the announcement of
registration ofestablishment,
company shall be in conformitywith that of registration approved by the
company registration authority;In case of non-conformity, the company
registration authority has thepower to require the company to modify.
Person and the Business Licenseis issued by the company registration
registration authority conductsannual examination of companies.
company shall accept the annualexamination within the fixed time, and
submit an annual examinationreport, an annual balance sheet, a profit and
loss statement and a copy of theBusiness License of Enterprise Legal
has set up a branch or branches,the relevant situations of the branch(s)
shall be clearlyreflected,
of annual examination submittedby a company, examine the situations
relating to the company'sregistered items so as to confirm its
qualification of continuousoperation.
registration authority. And theannual examination fee is RMB 50 yuan.
License as divided intooriginals and duplicates which have the equal
the Business License should belaid up in an eye-catching place of the
company's domicile or of thebusiness premises of the branch.
company registration authorityfor duplicates of its business license.
it invalid in the newspaper andperiodical designated by the company
Business License submitted bythe company to relevant unit(
sealed by the companyregistration authority, it can seal on the said
The companyregistration authority may temporarily distrain the
business license which needsconfirmation,
distrainment shall not exceed 10days.
of company registration filesshall be conducted in accordance with the
limits of authority andprocedure as prescribed by law.
documents of companyregistration files.
the forms and the tables ofimportant official documents concerning
company registration areformulated unitarily by the State Administration
Bureau for Industry andCommerce.
capital and has obtainedregistration of company shall be ordered to
remedy the situation and finedat least five per cent and no more than ten
per cent of the amount of theregistered capital falsely reported by the
company registration authority.If the case is serious, the company's
registration shall be canceledand the business license withdrawn. If the
case constitutes a criminaloffence, criminal responsibility shall be
investigated in accordance withthe law.
employs other deceptions and hasobtained registration of company shall be
ordered to remedy the situationand fined at least RMB 10,000 and no more
than RMB 100,000 by the companyregistration authority. If the case is
serious, the company'sregistration shall be canceled and the business
license withdrawn. If the caseconstitutes a criminal offence, criminal
responsibility shall beinvestigated in accordance with the law.
does not transfer propertyrights, so making a false capital contribution,
shall be ordered to remedy hiswrongs and fined at least five per cent and
no more than ten per cent of thecapital which has been falsely
shall be investigated inaccordance with the law.
contribution after theestablishment of the company shall be ordered to
correct his wrongs and fined atleast five per cent and no more than ten
per cent of the capitalcontribution illicitly withdrawn. If the case
constitutes a criminal offence,criminal responsibility shall be
investigated in accordance withthe law.
more than six months afterestablishment or ceases to do business for more
than six consecutive monthsafter commencing business, shall have its
business license canceled by thecompany registration authority.
change of registration asrequired by the provisions, the company
registration authority shallorder it to register such changes within a
time limit; Failure by thecompany to do so with in the time limit, it
shall be subject to a fine of atleast RMB 10,000 and no more than RMB
liquidation, if the company doesnot send notice to or publish public
notices to its creditors inaccordance with the relevant provisions, it
shall be ordered to remedy thesituation and be subject to a fine of at
least RMB 10,000 and no morethan RMB 100,000 by the company registration
company registration authorityin accordance with the relevant provisions,
or the liquidation reportconceals important facts or contains significant
omissions, the wrongs shall beordered to be remedied by the company
the liquidation of bankruptcy ordissolution has concluded, the business
license shall be revoked by thecompany registration authority.
the fixed time limit after itsestablishment, change or cancellation has
been registered,
in conformity with that of theregistration approved by the company
registration authorities, thewrongs shall be ordered to be remedied by
the company registrationauthorities. If the company refuses to remedy, it
shall be subject to a fine of atleast RMB 10,000 and no more than RMB
100,000. If the case is serious,the company's business license shall be
the relevant provisions shall befined at least RMB 100,000 and no more
than RMB 10,000 and required toaccept the annual examination within a
fixed time limit by the companyregistration authority. If the company
does not yet accept the annualexamination at the expiration of the
specified period, its businesslicense shall be revoked. A company who
conceals real situations andpractices fraud shall be fined at least RMB
10,000 and no more than RMB100,000 by the company registration authority,
and shall be ordered to remedythe wrongs within a fixed time limit. If
the case is serious, thecompany's business license shall be revoked.
business license shall be finedat least RMB 10,000 and no more than RMB
100,000 by the companyregistration authority. If the case is serious,
the business license shall berevoked. If the case constitutes a criminal
offence, criminal responsibilityshall be investigated in accordance with
eye-catching place of thecompany's domicile or of the business premises
shall be ordered to remedy thesituation by the company registration
authority. If the companyrefuses to remedy, it shall be fined at least
RMB 100,000 and no more than RMB5,000.
scope as approved to registershall be ordered to remedy the wrongs by the
company registration authority,and it may also be subject to a fine of at
least RMB 10,000 and no morethan RMB 100,000. If the case is serious, the
company's business license shallbe revoked.
company limited by shares butfalsely making use of the title "limited
liability company" or "companylimited by shares", shall be ordered to
remedy the situations oroutlawed by the company registration authority,
and it may also be subject to afine of at least RMB 10,000 and no more
than RMB 10,000. If theviolation constitutes a criminal offence, criminal
responsibility shall beinvestigated in accordance with the law.
not meet the registrationrequirements as provided, and the case is
serious, the personnel in chargeof the matter who have direct
responsibility and otherpersonnel with direct responsibility shall be
subject to administrativesanctions in accordance with the law. If a
higher level companyregistration authority orders a lower level company
registration authority toregister a company which does not meet the
registration requirements asprovided, or covers up an unlawful
responsibility and such otherpersons with direct responsibility shall be
subject to administrativesanctions in accordance with the law. If the
violation constitutes a criminaloffence, criminal responsibility shall be
investigated in accordance withthe law.
within the territory of thePeople's Republic of China shall be conducted
in accordance with the relevantprovisions of the State Council.
company with foreign investment.Where the laws or administrative
regulations on enterprises withforeign investment provide otherwise, the